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New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2025

The New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2025 is now closed to entries. Thank you to everyone who entered.

As with other recent competitions, £1.00 from each entry will be donated to First Story, a creative writing charity helping those from under-resourced and underrepresented communities. We announce the winners, shortlist and longlist by the end of March 2025.

Our fantastic, multi-talented head judge, Shreya Sen-Handley (Author, Columnist, Playwright and Illustrator), will be picking the winners soon.

What Do You Want To Write?

Short Fiction

Whether you want to write short stories, flash fiction or even – for those in a hurry – micro fiction, we’ll provide useful resources to help you develop ideas and produce great stories.



Whether you’re aiming to be the next Stephen King or Zadie Smith, or you have always dreamed of finishing a novel, we’ve got lots of information that could help you on your journey.



If poetry talks to you, moves your soul, enlivens your spirit, well, why not write some of your own? Whether you start with a haiku or a sonnet or you plump for free-form, stream of consciousness verse, let your inner poet out.


Writing is part of the journey…

But the editing and revising process is as important as the first draft. Fail at this stage and your writing will not be as good as it could or should be.

Fear Not The Blank Page

Every sonnet Shakespeare wrote, every novel penned by the greats from Cervantes to Austen to Dickens to JK Rowling, began with a blank page. And anything you write will begin to fill the space on that blank page (or computer screen, if you prefer). 

Some people become fearful when faced with the pure white unsullied page, overawed by the infinite possibilities. But fear not. It’s just a page. And as soon as you write your first word, the page will no longer be empty and its power will diminish.

So fear not… and write.

To help you out, we’ve produced, begged and borrowed various writing exercises and prompts to help you make progress with your next poem or work of prose fiction. 


Writing resources to push you further

There are loads of books about the craft of writing, writing courses and writing websites out there but which is right for you?

For those who don’t have time to research the numerous options (and, after all, that is time you could use for writing!), we’ll outline some of the best resources to help you progress towards your writing goals.