Thank you for visiting Our current competition is the New Writers Flash Fiction Competition (top prize £1,100, deadline: 31st Jan 2025).
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While cash prizes for short story competitions are very welcome, how does a week-long writing holiday in Greece sound? That’s the top prize for this fantastic competition run by the Limnisa International Community of Writers. The retreat is based at a seaside location near Agios Georgios, Methana in Greece, and judging by the pictures it looks like the perfect spot to get your creative juices flowing.
There is an option of getting feedback on your entry (for a fee of £50) or you can just send your entry. There is no entry fee for those who follow Limnisa on Facebook/Insta and have shared news of the competition.
The maximum word limit is 1,500 and the minimum is 500, and remember the theme: A Room of One’s Own (based on the Virginia Woolf novel).