New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2024 is Open
The New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2024 is open and we’re seeking your best stories of up to 300 words before the deadline of 31st January 2024. You can find the full details about the competition on the (thoughtfully titled) New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2024 page.
There’s a tidy top prize of £1,000 as well as £300 for the second-placed story and £200 for third. We’re also delighted that Stephanie Carty (author and clinical psychologist) has agreed to be our head judge. You can check out details of her published works (including her excellent novel Shattered) at her website:

The entry fees are £10 (one entry), £19 (two entries), or £27 (three entries), with early bird entry fees (£8/£15/£22) available until 30th November 2023. Note that £1 from each entry will be donated to First Story (England’s leading creative writing charity for young people).
The competition is open to entrants from anywhere in the world and there is no set theme or genre, though it’s not a competition for “children’s stories”.
Also, we want to make the competition accessible to as many writers as possible. We therefore have up to 50 free entries for low-income writers, available on a first-come, first-served basis (though no later than 15th January 2024).
Free entries are available to writers from low-income households (less than £16k per year) and/or in receipt of the following benefits (or equivalent): Job Seeker’s Allowance, Working Tax Credit, Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance, Carer’s Allowance.
If you would like to apply for a free entry, please email before midday (UK time) on Monday 15th January 2024.
So if you would like to enter the Flash Fiction Competition and get the chance to win the top prize of £1,000, head over to the competition page now. And please ensure you read the full terms and conditions before entering. Good luck!