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1000-Word Short Story Competition – Entry Form

*** The competition is now closed to entries. Thank you to everyone who entered. ***


(Detailed instructions on the Terms and Conditions page).

  1. Pay the relevant entry fee (using the PayPal button or link below) and take note of the Transaction ID.
  2. Complete the Entry Form below (including the PayPal ID) and click ‘Submit’.
  3. You will receive a confirmation email from confirming receipt of your entry or entries (if you don’t receive this within 24 hours – and you’ve checked your spam folder – please contact us:

*** The competition is now closed to entries. Thank you to everyone who entered. ***

Competition Details:

  • Deadline: Midnight (UK time) on Tuesday 30th April 2024
  • Entry Fee: £10 (one entry), £19 (two entries), £27 (three entries)
  • Prizes: 1st Place: £1,000; 2nd Place: £300; 3rd Place: £200
  • Head Judge: Cassandra Parkin (Award Winning Author)
  • Publication: The three winning entries will be published on the website and in the New Writers Anthology 2024
  • Word Limit: Up to 1,000 words (excluding title)
  • Charity: £1 from each entry will be donated to First Story (England’s leading creative writing charity for young people)
  • Please read the full Competition Terms & Conditions before entering

*We want to make the competition accessible to as many writers as possible. We therefore have a limited number of free entries for low-income writers, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please apply no later than 15th April 2024. Please see the terms and conditions for details.

Winners and authors who have made the shortlist will be notified by email no later than Friday 28th June 2024. The announcement of winners and shortlisted entries will also be made no later than this date.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I enter stories that have been published elsewhere?

No, this would invalidate your entry, even if published on your own website or social media.

Where will you publish the winning entries?

The three winning entries will be published on the website and in the inaugural edition of the New Writers Anthology later in year.

Will any shortlisted or longlisted entries be published?

We hope to publish several entries from the shortlist and longlist in the New Writers Anthology. We will contact entrants with the details after the competition winners have been announced.

Are there are any free entries for people on low incomes?

There are a limited number of free entries available to people from low income households. Details of how to apply can be found in the terms and conditions. Note that this must be done before 15th April 2024.

Who is the Head Judge?

As detailed on the main Short Story Competition page, the Head Judge for this competition is the best-selling author Cassandra Parkin. She has written several novels including The Leftovers, Soldier Boy and The Winter’s Child.

Can I enter a poem rather than a story?

The 1000-Word Short Story Competition is for prose rather than poetry (as we also run regular dedicated poetry competitions). Although poems will not be disqualified, we are generally seeking stories rather than poems. Having said that, prose poems with a narrative might appeal to the judges.

Is there is a discount for multiple entries?

Yes. If you pay for and submit two or three entries at the same time, you will receive a discount ( Entry fees: £10 for one entry, £19 for two entries, £27 for three entries). Note that the maximum number of entries is three per person.

Should I put my name on the entry?

Please do not put your name or any other identifying information on the entry (as they are judged anonymously). Please write only the title (not included in the word count) and the story itself in the body of the entry document.

Should I include the word count on the entry?

There’s no need to include the word count as we check every entry. But please double check that your entry is 1000 words or fewer (not including the title) before sending it in.

Is there a theme for the competition?

There is no specific theme. Stories can be about any subject or incorporate any theme or genre, although we are seeking stories for adults (as opposed to those aimed specifically at children).

Please be aware that failure to follow the submission instructions or the terms and conditions will result in your entry being disqualified and no refund will be issued, so please take care. Good luck!