Thank you for visiting Our current competition is the New Writers Flash Fiction Competition (top prize £1,100, deadline: 31st Jan 2025).
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The Creative Future Writers’ Award is a brilliant writing competition that is open to underrepresented* writers of fiction, poetry or creative non-fiction.
Unlike many writing competitions that simply offer a cash prize and publication, the Creative Future Award has amassed a brilliant package of prizes that includes various writing courses, literary memberships, manuscript assessments and coaching from a wide range of highly rated organisations as well as a bit of cash and publication in their anthology too. The full details of the prizes on offer can be found at the Creative Future site.
So if you are an underrepresented writer in the UK and you want the opportunity to enhance your writing skills and increase exposure to your work, this could be the competition for you.
*The Creative Future Writers’ Award is open to writers who are underrepresented. This includes people who feel their opportunities are limited as a result of: